Record of Survey Guidelines

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The Land Surveyor’s Act outlines the requirements for the RS map, which includes:

  1. 18" x 26" sheet size with a 1" margin.
  2. Monuments found, set or reset with descriptions and references.
  3. Basis of bearings.
  4. Scale of map and north arrow.
  5. The map should indicate relationship of adjacent subdivisions, streets or senior conveyances with common lines with the survey.
  6. Statements required by Section 8764.5 of LS Act
  7. Reason or reasons for filing the RS per 8762 subdv. (a) or (b) 1 to 5

Please also provide the following for Preliminary Checks:

  1. Transmittal letter to the County Surveyor requesting map check and providing contact information, together with two (2) check prints.
  2. Copy of current deed/map for property being surveyed and copies of all adjoiner deeds, maps and any senior conveyances called for in surveyed property deed.
  3. Complete copy of closure calculations used to prepare the map.

In Kern County the fee for checking a RS with the County Surveyor is presently $400.00 for the first sheet and $200 for each additional sheet, submitted with the first check print. Plus time and materials beginning with the third review. Make checks payable to “County of Kern.”

The Recorder currently charges $7 for one sheet recorded and $3 for each additional sheet. Recording fees are submitted when the original is brought in for recordation.

Be aware that your map may be referred to a consultant for checking. They will return the map “Not Checkable” if all of the information necessary for checking the map is not provided.

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